Implement enum / collection class in Swift

I am trying to implement a class (implements SequenceType) and it seems a little more complicated than I expected. In C #, I just need to implement IEnumerable

and " yield return

", which makes it pretty simple. It's the same in python with __iter__()

and with yield

. But in Swift, I don't know why it's too difficult. Here is the code

class Nums : SequenceType{

    let list = [1,2,3,4,5]

    func generate() -> GeneratorOf<Int?> {

        return GeneratorOf<Int?>{

            for i in self.list{
                return i

            return nil


When I call it in for-in

, it goes into an infinite loop.

What's the correct way to implement repeating classes in swift?


source to share

1 answer


inside a generator does not work like yield

in C #, Python and other languages. This is just a simple instruction return


Instead, Swift generators use optional vaules - Some(x)

indicates the next item in the sequence, and None

/ or nil

signals the end of the sequence.

The block you pass to the constructor GeneratorOf<Int>

(by the way, you don't need to use it Int?

) will be called at every step and must call the next value every time it is called, or nil

when it is done. This way you can use a mutable variable to track the state:

func generate() -> GeneratorOf<Int>
    var i = 0

    return GeneratorOf<Int> {
        if i >= self.list.count { return nil }
        return self.list[i++]


Or you can even use the built-in generator list


func generate() -> GeneratorOf<Int>
    var g = self.list.generate()

    return GeneratorOf<Int> {
        return // not very exciting... we might as well have returned g itself




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