How to access properties of a keypress event in ClojureScript using pipes?

Using ClojureScript, I am trying to take action when someone clicks enter

into a textbox and ignores other keys. So I need to be able to distinguish between different keystrokes.

For reference, mine is ns

in mine .cljs


(ns calculator.calculator
  (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
  (:require [goog.dom :as dom]
            [ :as events]
            [cljs.core.async :refer [put! chan <!]]
            [clojure.string :as string]))


There is an input element in my html <input id="data-entry-box"></input>

. I created a listener this way:

(defn listen [el type]
  (let [out (chan)]
    (events/listen el type
                   (fn [e] (put! out e)))

(let [keypresses (listen (dom/getElement "data-entry-box") "keypress")]
  (go (while true
        (let [key-event (<! keypresses)
              char-code (.-charCode key-event)]
          (.log js/console (str "The character code is " char-code))
          (.log js/console (str "The key is " (.-key key-event)))
          (.log js/console (str "The event is " (.-event key-event)))
          (.log js/console (str "Or the event is " (:event key-event)))
          (if (= char-code


After compiling, loading the page and hitting enter on the input element, I get the following in the console:

"The character code is 13"
"The key is "
"The event is "
"Or the event is "


It's fine; I can check what the key is by looking at the ASCII value, but I don't need to. I would like to access the pressed character.

If I put a breakpoint, I can see that a property exists .event

and that property has one more property .key

. But for some reason, I cannot access it.


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2 answers

Take a look at the mousetrap code -

Usually keycode is used or matches it manually to "Enter".

Also I have a big doubt. event_ is a generic property, you can refer to



The property is not actually called on the keyboard .event

; it's called .event_

. Pay attention to the underscore. Thus, we access it with the (.-event_ key-event)


(let [keypresses (listen (dom/getElement "data-entry-box") "keypress")]
  (go (while true
        (let [key-event (<! keypresses)
              key-pressed (.-key (.-event_ key-event))]
          (.log js/console (str "The key pressed was " key-pressed))
          (if (= key-pressed


This code prints: "The key was pressed Enter".

Note that javascript doesn't have character literals, so it returns a (.-key (.-event_ key-event))

string "Enter"




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