Declaring Linux Dependent Dependencies in

I have a package (Skype4Py) that has different dependencies based on the operating system. This is because it uses the operating system's messaging bus to bind to Skype.

What is the correct way to declare operating system dependent dependencies in Python packages (namely


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1 answer

Expanding a bit on what I originally left as a comment, what the answer suggested was reasonable. I don't think there are clear instructions on what to do, but actually one of the highlights of the file

is picking the correct dependencies for the agent running the script installation, then installing the package correctly in the correct order, and usually it will only run once and it will forget it until it is reinstalled. That said, it would be wise to make this neat, so here's what I'll do.

If your package only needs an additional set of dependencies on the systems posix

, I would declare something like this at the top of the

system_spec_requires = {
    'posix': ['dbus', 'gobjects',],
    # ... if others are needed


Then declare any hard requirements like this:

requires = [
    # just random examples
    # ... and more


Then create a complete list of requirements by adding system to this

import os  # assuming you haven't already done that
requires.extend(system_spec_requires.get(, []))


Finally, in the relevant section of the call setup





The dictionary system_spec_requires

at the top makes it look like a manifestation of some specific system requirement, I mean it looks as clear as possible. In fact, I've seen the nastier files

, but if it does the job correctly (i.e. installs the package with its dependencies) (and especially hasn't messed up my system in malicious ways, but you can probably notice that eval

on the line ending with .decode('base64')

where- then ... right?) I wouldn't care how bad it looks.



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