FMU Prep: Change Model Parameters for Model Input

I would like to export a Modelica model as FMU for Co-modeling using Dymola 2014. I am planning to complete the co-modeling with pyfmi.

To test this, I am trying to simulate the flow of a fluid through a pipe between two fluid boundaries. I would like the pressure of the fluid source to be the input to the model. My plan is to calculate this external pressure and enter a Modelica model at each timestamp.

My initial model with all the standard library components:

model SE_BVP "BVP for stack exchange."
  inner Modelica.Fluid.System system;
  Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.StaticPipe pipe(
    redeclare package Medium = Modelica.Media.Air.MoistAir,
  Modelica.Fluid.Sources.Boundary_pT boundary1(nPorts=1, redeclare package
    Medium = Modelica.Media.Air.MoistAir);
  Modelica.Fluid.Sources.Boundary_pT boundary(nPorts=1, redeclare package Medium=
    Modelica.Media.Air.MoistAir, use_p_in=true);
  Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput p_in1;

   connect(pipe.port_b, boundary1.ports[1]);
   connect(boundary.ports[1], pipe.port_a);
   connect(boundary.p_in, p_in1);
end SE_BVP;


Which I then wrapped with two test models:

model SE_BVP_test_1
 Real preVal = 101335;

 SE_BVP_1.p_in1 = preVal;

end SE_BVP_test_1; 


and with parameter type which was made based on @Thierry's suggestion

model SE_BVP_test_2
  parameter Real preVal = 101335;

  SE_BVP_1.p_in1 = preVal;

end SE_BVP_test_2; 


Running these models gives me the same results:

No Variable typing.


With parameter typing

Both models work at Dymola.

Now I want to load fmu and simulate with pyfmi, so I wrote this script:

  import pyfmi
  import numpy as np
  import pylab as P
  import os

  # Define the FMU to test
  fmuDirNam = "SE_BVP_Test_1"  # CS 2.0 type FMU
  fmuNam = fmuDirNam + ".fmu"

  # Define the input var
  inVar = "preVal"

  # Get the path to the FMU
  curr_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
  par_dir = os.path.dirname(curr_dir)
  path_to_fmu = os.path.join(par_dir, "projectFMUs", fmuDirNam)

  # Load the model
  model = pyfmi.load_fmu(os.path.join(path_to_fmu, fmuNam))


Which fails and gives me the following error:

FMIL: module = FMI2XML, log level = 2: XML element 
'Real': could not parse value for real attribute  
 p =

FMIL: module = FMI2XML, log level = 2: XML element 
'Real': could not parse value for   real attribute 
p =

FMIL: module = FMI2XML, log level = 2: XML element 
'Real': could not parse value for real attribute 
'start'='Modelica.Media.Incompressible.TableBased.Polynomials_Temp.evaluate({-4.96717436974791E-11, 5.06626785714286E-08, 1.72937731092437
FMIL: module = FMI2XML, log level = 2: XML element 'Real': could not parse value for real attribute 
'start'='Modelica.Media.Incompressible.TableBased.Polynomials_Temp.evaluate({-4.96717436974791E-11, 5.06626785714286E-08, 1.72937731092437

FMIL: module = FMI2XML, log level = 1: No model structure information available. 
Cannot continue.

FMIL: module = FMI2XML, log level = 1: Parse error at line 2703:
parsing aborted


From Traceback:

pyfmi.fmi.FMUException: The XML-could not be read. Parse error at line 2703:
parsing aborted


What could be causing this parsing error, given that the model mimics Dymola correctly?

  • I tried this also with a CS 1.0 export and raised the same exception, albeit with a different module reading fmu this time.

  • I figured there was a mysterious variable problem by removing the input

    and tags parameter

    , but no. Even with a tag parameter

    like in Test_2

    , I am throwing the same exception (CS 2.0).

Summary: Dymola 2014, python 2.7.x, FMI for CO Modeling 2.0


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5 answers

The problem is related to the selected media model. Modelica.Media.Air.MoistAir

is a model of air condition and temperature. Therefore, the initial values ​​of liquid density, enthalpy, etc. They are functions of boundary pressure. During export to FMU, the value start

for the fluid state variables inside the pipe is written to an XML file as expressions:

       p = SE_BVP_1.pipe.flowModel.states[1].p,
       T = SE_BVP_1.pipe.flowModel.states[1].T,
       X = {SE_BVP_1.pipe.flowModel.states[1].X[1],


Changing the fluid to Buildings.Media.GasesPTDecoupled.MoistAirUnsaturated

removes the computation of the value start

, and the XML reads:




does not evaluate expressions during parsing and instead expects a string that can be formatted to float.



@RwardBound: If you want to change the parameters during simulation, I suggest using FMI 2.0 instead of FMI 1.0 FMU. This feature is supported in FMI 2.0. The latest version of Dymola, for example, is capable of generating such FMUs. I think PyFMI also supports FMI 2.0.

All the best, Thierry



The best practice for testing a Dymola model for export as FMU (or as a Modelica library) is to create a top model for testing. Then, you can create a modeling environment for the exported model.

Let's take a simple example of the "divide 10 / u" model:

model div10
  Modelica.Blocks.Math.Division division;
  Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput u(start=10);
  division.u1 = 10;
  connect(division.u2, u);
end div10;


Then you need to create this top model to test your div10 model :

   model div10_tester  
      parameter Real default_u = 2.0;
      div10 div10_1;
      div10_1.u = default_u;
    end div10_tester;


Another solution could be to use "dsu.txt" (Note: if you are simulating only div10, the start = 10 statement will have no effect as indicated in your error log: if there is no "dsu.txt" "file => all inputs set to 0 ) But this is very limited as it only defines initial values.



an easy way to get around this input = 0 on initialization is probably to add a max () block to compare your input with some very small number.

For example:

input = max(a very small positive number, input) if your input is always greater than zero. 


If your parameter (input) switches the signs, I think you are smart enough to find similar ways to do it.



The problem is that the XML generated by Dymola is not correct. The start attribute for a scalar variable must be a value, not an expression, as per the specification. The spec states that for a real scalar variable, the initial value must be float, and for integer values, the initial value must be int, etc. This is also true for FMI 1.0 and FMI 2.0 (the specification can be read at ).

To ensure that the FMU you receive is correct according to the standard, there is a tool called the Compliance Checker which is also available on the aforementioned site. This is a great tool to use if you are facing these types of problems, to rule out that the cause is a problem with the export tool.

As of Dymola 2015, XML is correctly generated for the SE_BVP_test_1 model and can be modeled using PyFMI.



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