PrimeFaces autocomplete = "off" doesn't work for username and password

I am using jsf 2.2 and PrimeFaces 5.0. the problem is i have a login page using spring security and also add a new user im using another page which is shown below.

                    <td><p:outputLabel value="User nameee : " for="user_name_test" /></td>
                    <td><p:inputText autocomplete="off" id="user_name_test" 
                            value="#{userController.userName}" /></td>
                    <td><p:outputLabel value="Password : " for="pass_word_test" /></td>
                    <td><p:password autocomplete="off" id="pass_word_test"
                            value="#{userController.password}" /></td>


the problem is that in chrome I just put the password to remember in the login page after that when I tried to use the username and password text in any form. it continues to populate with this username and password. I tried to put "autocomplete =" off "in my new user registration page, but it didn't work.


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1 answer

I believe there is nothing you can do about it JSF-wise as the browser remembers it, but you can go to



and select "Show advanced settings" and manage passwords in the "Passwords and Forms" section.



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