What is a meta key when in evil mode

What is a meta key when in emacs evil mode?

I have a leader key defined like this:

(require 'evil-leader)
(evil-leader/set-leader ",")
  "." 'eval-buffer
  "," 'projectile-find-file
  "t" 'dired-jump
  "c" 'comment-or-uncomment-region
  "w" 'save-buffer
  "b" 'switch-to-buffer
  "k" 'kill-buffer) 


But I don't think there is a direct 1: 1 mapping between leaf-key and meta-key.

Many emacs key binding examples use a meta key and I have no idea what that is.


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1 answer

From the Emacs FAQ :

On many keyboards <Alt> acts like <Meta>, give it a try.

Instead of typing Ma, you can type <ESC> [then] <a>. In fact, Emacs converts Ma internally to <ESC> <a> anyway (depending on the value of the meta-prefix-char). Note that you press <Meta> and <a> together, but with, you press <ESC>, release it and then press <a>



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