Considering duplicate sections, how to find sections that match certain criteria using Powershell

I need to parse a text file and extract data from it ... based on other data in the same file ..

I need to find the lines that say not ok and then find the nodes they are in. I know how to pull data in ... and find Not Ok and Nodes. I also have an idea that I'm sure it's too hard to find what I'm looking for. I can split the Node strings into an array so that

$test = (select-string -path C:\error.txt -Pattern "Node:").linenumber


then find the line number not oks and backup lol, but that seems like the hardest way to do it. I'm familiar with PS, but not an expert.

$test2 = (select-string -path C:\error.txt -Pattern "Not ok").linenumber


to describe what I need.

parse the file for Node .. find the lines below that do not fit .. and if so set Node to a variable ... if not ok not found, go to next Node.

Thanks for any help

Sample txt file below

Node: Server

Line 1 ok
line 2 ok 
line 3 ok
Line 4 Not ok
line 5 ok
line 6 ok

Node: Server2
Line 1 ok
line 2 ok 
line 3 Not ok
Line 4 ok
line 5 ok
line 6 ok



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3 answers

$errorNodes = @()

Get-Content C:\temp\test.txt | ForEach-Object {
    if ($_ -imatch 'Node: (.+)$') {
        $node = $Matches[1]
    if ($_ -imatch 'not ok') {
        $errorNodes += $node




  • Get-Content

    reads the file line by line.
  • For each line, first check if it is a node; if so, set the variable to the $node

    current node name.
  • Then check if the string matches the text "not ok". If so, add the node name to the list of error nodes (array variable $errorNodes


So, in the end it $errorNodes

will contain nodes with problems.



If your list is long this should be a faster way to parse (also less code :)):

$nodes = [Regex]::Split((Get-Content info.txt), 'Node:')
# '?' is an alias for Where-Object
$bad = $nodes | ? { $_.ToLower().Contains('not ok') }



now also contains all the text under the node containing "not normal" (there are several lines in the even that do not fit).



This answer is most likely more complex than it should be, but it returns useful objects that, depending on what else needs to be done in his code, might be useful for further processing. In this example, I used the OP's file structure and added some additional nodes to make the output a little more verbose.

$file = Get-Content "c:\temp\test.txt" -Raw
$file -split '\s+(?=Node: \w+)' | 
        %{ $stringData = (($_ -replace ": "," = ") -replace 'line\W+(\d+)\W+','Line$1 = ') -replace '\*+' 
                New-Object PSObject -Property  $(ConvertFrom-StringData $Stringdata)
        } | select node,line* | Format-Table


Using PowerShell 3.0: The code will read the file as a whole string (without creating a string array) using a parameter -Raw

. $file

is a string, split into "Node:" text, which breaks up the nodes as separate objects.

To create a custom object, we need to make sure that all Node elements contain name = value pairs. For this I have nested several operations -replace


  • $_ -replace ": "," = "

    - change the first line to "Node = server name"
  • -replace 'line\W+(\d+)\W+','Line$1 = '

    - Convert Line # ok

    to Line# = Ok\Not Ok

    Where # is a specific string 1-6
  • -replace '\*+'

    - To remove lines containing only asterisks (or something else),

The formed string is used as input for New-Object PSObject -Property $(ConvertFrom-StringData $Stringdata)

After that, we can manipulate the output pipeline like any other object. To ensure that Node appears in the list in the instructions select-object


Below is my example:

Node                     Line4                    Line5                   Line6                   Line1                   Line2                   Line3                  
----                     -----                    -----                   -----                   -----                   -----                   -----                  
Server                   Not ok                   ok                      ok                      ok                      ok                      ok                     
Server2                  ok                       ok                      ok                      ok                      ok                      Not ok                 
Server4                  ok                       ok                      ok                      Not ok                  ok                      ok                     
Server3                  ok                       ok                      ok                      ok                      ok                      ok        




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