@PropertySource and UTF-8 properties file

Is it possible, using annotation @PropertySource

, to customize the encoding that should be used to load the properties file?

An example to clarify my problem

public class MyApplicationContext {

    @Autowired(required = true)
    private Environment env;

    public MyBean myBean() {
       return new MyBean(env.getRequiredProperty("application.name"));




is a file UTF-8

, but no matter what "application.name" is interpreted as ISO-8859-1


The workaround is to avoid special characters in the properties file, but setting the encoding is possible with the old one context:property-placeholder

, so I think it should be possible to do the same with@PropertySource


source to share

5 answers

It is now possible:

@PropertySource(value = "classpath:/myprop.properties", encoding="UTF-8")




files for the definition of ISO-8859-1 encoded. Therefore, I am afraid that you cannot do this.

However, you can use \uXXXX

unicode escapes to represent any unicode character you want. The tool native2ascii

can help with automatically doing this.



old context:property-placeholder

, so I think it should be possible to do the same with@PropertySource


and context:property-placeholder

- two completely different components. @PropertySource

registers a file .properties

with ApplicationContext

and Environment

loading the class @Configuration

, and context:property-placeholder

registers PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer

or PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer

bean to do placeholder resolution. This bean will have access to properties in files declared with it .properties

and properties available to the containing Environment


There is nothing you can do about the encoding used for @PropertySource

. It will use the default system.

You can always declare the PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer

bean yourself (using a method static


), declare some files .properties

and encoding. Note, however, that these properties will not be available through Environment




my decision:

new MyBean (new line (env.getProperty ("application.name"). getBytes ("ISO-8859-1"), "UTF-8"));



Or you can use PropertiesFactoryBean which has setEncoding method. Here is an example from one of my projects

public PropertiesFactoryBean cvlExternalProperties() {
    PropertiesFactoryBean res = new PropertiesFactoryBean();
    res.setLocation(new ClassPathResource("conf/external-test.properties"));
    return res;


and then you can use the following notation in your project

private String p;




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