Link to iOS Simulator File System by Xcode

I seem to remember a way to get to the iOS Simulator filesystem from the Xcode 6.0 or iOS Simulator GUI, but I can't find anything else. Does anyone know if such a link still exists in Beta 5 or later?

BTW I know the simulated filesystem is now in ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/*/data/Containers/Data/Application/*/

(formerly ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/*/Applications/*/

). I'm looking for a link directly from Xcode, for example. on the Schemes page.


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2 answers

The location of the iOS 8 simulator has changed from previous versions. Also, every time you launch the app from Xcode, the location changes.

The easiest way for a beta direct url in Xcode is probably like this:

// where are you?
NSLog(@"Documents Directory: %@", [[[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLsForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectory inDomains:NSUserDomainMask] lastObject]);


When you open a Finder window in this location and keep it open, it will automatically update to the new location when you restart the application.

Further reading:



As the previous answer explains, the location changes all the time, so it is not possible to have a link. You can use the method above to print it to the console, or save a small file on startup that you can execute.

Since I missed the convenience of the link, I wrapped this in a small OS X Simulator Data Finder app and made it available. The website should make it clear how to use either for objective c or fast



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