Maven - unable to free project due to unallocated dependencies

I am using a multi-module pom setup and when using the release plugin I cannot do it. I am getting the error:

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.5:prepare (default-cli) on project libraryparent: Can't release project due to non released dependencies :
in project 'utils' (


the command I'm running is:

mvn -B release:clean release:prepare release:perform -DdryRun=true -DdevelopmentVersion=1.2-SNAPSHOT -DreleaseVersion=1.1


Here are the main parts of the files that I think are relevant:



  <name>parent library</name>
  <description>A parent pom for all library modules</description>


            <goals>deploy assembly:single</goals>



<project .....>




<project .....>








I would suspect that the release plugin might set versions to its release versions, etc.



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2 answers


checks if parent and dependent items are part of a multi-module project. If it didn't recognize it either because of a different version or because of a typo in the groupId and / or artifactId.

probably fake, so please check this value again. Some might say that flat projects (like this one) are not supported by the maven-release plugin. However, there are many integration tests out there that confirm flat designs are supported.



I think I just found a solution,

I will do a more complete test soon and publish the results.

Change the targets of the maven-release-plugin:

          <goals>deploy assembly:single</goals>


to that



... end...



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