[Spray Client]: Facebook API returning the wrong content type

While in the Spray library , I tried to access the Facebook API:

val responseF: Future[HttpResponse] = pipeline(Get("http://graph.facebook.com/v2.1/facebook/picture?redirect=false"))

def receive = {
    case _ =>
      val originalSender = sender()
      responseF onComplete{
        case Success(response) =>
            originalSender ! response.toString
          log.info(  """|Response for GET request
                       |status : {}
                       |headers: {}
                       |body   : {}""".stripMargin,
            response.status.value, response.headers.mkString("\n  ", "\n  ", ""), response.entity.asString)
        case Failure(error) =>
          log.error(error, "Could not get Facebook stuff")
          originalSender ! "not working"



The main problem is that the content type of the response Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=UTF-8

instead of the expectedapplication/json

What exactly is wrong with my request?

How Spray

largely depends on the type of content to parse, etc.


source to share

1 answer

The simple solution was to just add an accept header, but I couldn't figure out how:



Thanks for the quick response to the goolge group . Finally, I got the correct content type.



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