JQuery Mousewheel doesn't support trackpad?

I am using the popular mousewheel plugin to emulate full page scrolling like this website .

jQuery(function() {
    var top = 0,
        viewport = jQuery(window).height(),
        step = jQuery(".home .l-section:first").outerHeight(),
        body = jQuery.browser.webkit ? jQuery('body') : jQuery('html'),
        wheel = false;
    jQuery('body').mousewheel(function(event, delta) {
        wheel = true;
        if (delta < 0) {
            top = (top + viewport) >= jQuery(document).height() ? top : top += step;
                scrollTop: top
            }, 400, function() {
                wheel = false;
        } else {
            top = top <= 0 ? 0 : top -= step;
                scrollTop: top
            }, 400, function() {
                wheel = false;
        return false;
    jQuery(window).on('resize', function(e) {
        viewport = jQuery(window).height();
        step = jQuery(".home .l-section:first").outerHeight();
    jQuery(window).on('scroll', function(e) {
        if (!wheel) top = jQuery(this).scrollTop();


It works fine, but is NOT used when using a trackpad. Using the trackpad it just scrolls to the bottom of the page no matter how slowly I try to scroll.


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4 answers

Works well with my laptop trackpad. However, this is a known issue, have you tried using debounce?

function mouseHandle(event) {
    newDate = new Date();
    var scrollAllowed = true;

    if( wheel < 10 && (newDate.getTime()-oldDate.getTime()) < 100 ) {
        scrollPos -= event.deltaY*(10-wheel);
    else {
        if( (newDate.getTime()-oldDate.getTime()) > 100 ) {
            wheel = 0;
            scrollPos -= event.deltaY*60;
        else {
            scrollAllowed = false;

    oldDate = new Date();

    if( scrollAllowed ) {
        // do your stuff here

//Apply this effect with jQuery On event
$('body').on('mousewheel', function(event) { mouseHandle(event); });


This has already been reported here: https://github.com/brandonaaron/jquery-mousewheel/issues/36

There you will get several solutions. Hope this helps. Help yourself :-)





I solved the tracking issue with date (), so the user cannot scroll anymore if the specific time I set was not in the past.

Here is my snippet using the "wheel" function

  var last_time = new Date(); 
  $(window).bind('wheel', function(event) {
      var now = new Date();
      if((now - last_time) >= 1200)//Miliseconds
        if (event.originalEvent.deltaY <= 0) {

            //Go up
          else {
            //Go down

          last_time = new Date(); 




to anyone who finds it, the "mousewheel" event has been deprecated. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/wheel

use the wheel event instead, you can use the originalEvent property on the wheel event to get the attributes you expect. (deltaX, deltaY, etc.)



I used the underscore debounce function to overcome this issue. This is the code I used.

 $('...').mousewheel(_.debounce(function(event) {

   if(event.originalEvent.deltaY < 0){
      /* do your stuff when scrolling up */

   }else {
      /* do your stuff when scrolling down */

}, 40,true));




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