Pnotify: buttons not working

I'm trying to use the Pnotify buttons, but I couldn't get them to work. The problem is I am using Pnotify with the required JS and Bower (within the spine). I have tried in different ways.

The pnotify documentation has a comment addressing this issue: ( ) this is an example:

requirejs(['pnotify', 'pnotify.nonblock', 'pnotify.desktop'], function(PNotify){
    new PNotify({
        title: 'Desktop Notice',
        text: 'If you\'ve given me permission, I\'ll appear as a desktop notification. If you haven\'t, I\'ll still appear as a regular PNotify notice.',
        desktop: {
            desktop: true
        nonblock: {
            nonblock: true


This example works for me, so I modified it a bit for my needs:

require(['pnotify', 'pnotify.buttons', 'pnotify.nonblock'], function(PNotify){
            new PNotify({
                title: title ,
                text: msg,
                type: classes,
                delay: delay,
                animation: 'fade',
                opacity: .9,
                nonblock: {
                    nonblock: true,
                    nonblock_opacity: .2


Don't unblocked messages work fine and desktop notifications too (if needed) but buttons not showing ... Anyone had a similar problem? Any ideas? it would be great to find a solution for this. Thank!

NOTE. I already have all pnotify modules installed.


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1 answer

It seems that the unlocked and button module are not working well. There is an issue in the github project:

Therefore, when the non-blocking module is removed, the buttons work normally.



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