SpyOn $ scope. $ on after $ broadcast toHaveBeenCalled doesn't work

I'm having a lot of problems getting this simple test to work.

I have a listener $scope.$on

in my controller that I want to test. I just want to make sure he called after the broadcast.

To do this, I thought the following code would work:

describe("Testing the parent controller: ", function() {
    var scope, ctrl;

    beforeEach(function() {

        inject(function($rootScope, $controller) {
            scope = $rootScope.$new();

            ctrl = $controller('parent-ctrl', {
                $scope: scope,

    it ("should trigger broadcast when current page updates", function() {
        spyOn(scope, "$on");
        scope.$broadcast("myEvent", 999);


It is not ( Expected spy $on to have been called.

). I dug through a lot of examples:

and learned a lot, but for some reason I just don't make critical communication.

I've noticed that the handler $on

is responding to a post-assertion, which is useless. I've tried scope.$apply()

it .andCallThrough()

in various configurations as well, but nothing works.

How it's done?


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1 answer

When the event is broadcast, it is the listener function that was registered with $on

that is being executed, not the function itself $on


Your current test will work for code like this, which you probably don't have:

$scope.$on('myEvent', function () {
    $scope.$on('whatever', someFn);


What you should be testing is what your registered listener function does.

So, if you, for example, have:

$scope.$on('myEvent', function() {


Check it like this:

spyOn(myFactory, "doSomething");





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