EF: Using a Backing Field to Set a Property Value

Is there a way to make the field support using EF when setting property values ​​instead of a setter property?

The reason I'm asking is because there might be logic in the setter that I don't want to call every time the object is returned from the database.

For ex:

class SomeClass
    int _prop;

    public Prop
        get { return _prop;}

            _prop = value; 


The above example calls CustomValidation () when setting a value. There is no need to call this check when returning objects from db as these objects were checked on creation / validation.


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1 answer

No, you cannot currently map a column directly to a field. This was discussed last year, but I'm not sure if it will be part of a future release or not. Check out this article for further explanation. This is a snippet of the project code.

   .Property(b => b.Title)


A workaround would be to create a domain object or add an untagged property that will be used in the interface to create or validate.

public int Prop { get; set; }
public int ValidatedProp // bind to this property in the front end
   get { return Prop; } 
       Prop = value;




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