Forcing HTTPS when using opsworks nginx and ELB to terminate SSL

Using standard Opsworks setup / recipes for a Rails application that runs through a Unicorn / nginx layer. SSL terminates in Elastic Load Balancer - so traffic to rails app from ELB is always http. So far, so good. I would like to receive any request from to redirect to

ELB has two listeners, one with port 80 and one with 443.

I know that if I were to run my own nginx I could set a redirect rule ... However, I want to stay inside the opponent to do something if possible.


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2 answers

I think the only way to do this in OpsWorks is to create a custom recipe that changes /etc/nginx/sites-available/#{application}

. In your custom cookbook:

somecookbook / recipes / nginx.rb

node[:deploy].each do |application, deploy| 

      service "nginx" do
        supports :status => true
        action :nothing

      # Add HTTP => HTTPS redirect      
      template "/tmp/http_redirect.conf" do
        source "nginx/http_redirect.conf.erb"

      execute "redirect HTTP to HTTPS" do
        cwd "/etc/nginx/sites-available"
        command "cat #{application} /tmp/http_redirect.conf > /tmp/#{application}.conf && cat /tmp/#{application}.conf > #{application}"
        notifies :restart, "service[nginx]", :immediately


Then in config:

somecookbook / templates / default / nginx / http _redirect.conf.erb

server {
    listen       80;
    rewrite ^(.*) https://$host$1 permanent;




I'm pretty sure you need to use nginx on your app server to handle the http -> https redirect. Here are two ways to fix this problem.

  • redirect all requests from 80 to https


    server {
       listen 80;
       return 301$request_uri;

  • ELB maintains a header called X-FORWARDED-PROTO. All HTTPS requests going through the ELB will have X-FORWARDED-PROTO = "HTTPS":

    server {
        listen 80;
        location / {
            if ($http_x_forwarded_proto != 'https') {
                rewrite ^ https://$host$request_uri? permanent;



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