Method receivers

Go method receivers take a type along with a variable name for the type, for example:

type MyFloat float64

func (x MyFloat) Abs() float64 {
    if x < 0 {
        return float64(-x)
    return float64(x)

func main() {
    f := MyFloat(-math.Sqrt2)


The receiver takes "x"

along with the type of the receiving method. What is the meaning of the name "x". Since I can call a method on any MyFloat instance (not just an instance named x), why should I specify x? Since the receiver is a type or a reference to a type, why not just take a type or pointer one like this

func (MyFloat) Abs() float64 {
    if this < 0 {
        return float64(-this)
    return float64(this)


My guess is instead this

in Java Golang allows any name? This is true?


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3 answers

Your guess is accurate: the receiver must be explicitly specified in the method definition. This avoids any ambiguity. In your example, how could the Go compiler know that x is the receiver?

Note that using "self" or "this" or "me" as the recipient name is considered unsuccessful in go. The name should be short - one letter is fine. See more information at



I think you are not using it correctly, you should be using it in a struct.Where the receiver makes a reference to the fields of the structure.

For example:

package main
import "fmt"

type Decimal struct {
    first float64

func (x Decimal) out() float64 {
    return x.first
func main() {
    var start Decimal
    start.first = 10.8
    show := start.out()




It's a design choice.

Using Java this

, Go-lang choose another mechanic.

In Go, it is legal to make the receiver a pointer or not.

We'll see:

func (t Type)  Id()  { return t }
func (t *Type) IdPointer() { return t }


What if Go uses Java design?

It will be:

func (Type)  Id()  { return this }
func (*Type) IdPointer() { return this }


First, it's confusing what it (*Type)


Second, it can also be a pointer or a value. Also confused.

But, anyway, you can design Go-lang like this.

It's a choice in the end.



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