Xposed: how to block a method call

I am using Xposed to execute some method (for now, just for teaching). I was able to connect the SendTextMessage method (android.telephony.SmsManager), I can do some things before and after the method call, so my question is: can I do something in the previous case because the original method will not be called?



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3 answers

Use this somewhere in "before" to prevent calling the original method



(In the "after" case, this only changes the result of the original method, because it has been executed yet)



Instead of replacing, XC_MethodHook

you can use XC_MethodReplacement

instead XC_MethodHook




There are comments in the source code that say the way to prevent the method from being called is to call MethodHookParam # setThrowable (Throwable) to prevent the function from being called. So take the paras that were passed in beforeHookedMethod and call param.setThrowable (Throwable t)

Note that Throwable is just a superclass for all errors and exceptions in Java, so you should just use Exception or Error as Throwable.

( https://github.com/rovo89/XposedBridge/blob/13c9918eb449a4b851740c5e380057d6f0d23bd5/src/de/robv/android/xposed/XC_MethodHook.java )



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