Turn body box2d invisible on click or press

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As you can see in the picture, I have a box2d world with some bodies. I also have an inputproccessor, but I cannot show that the boxes disappear when I click on them.

Basically I want my mouse clicks to touch to check if it intersects with the body / box. If so, I want this body to disappear. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I tried to create a scene and turn the bodies into buttons to make the onClickListen work, but it turned out to be messy and didn't work.


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1 answer

Ok, I managed to solve this on my own. This is the code I wrote in my inputproccessor class. You need to declare hitBody at the top of the class as btw body which is not shown below.

 Vector3 testPoint = new Vector3();
    QueryCallback callback = new QueryCallback() {

        public boolean reportFixture(Fixture fixture) {
                hitBody = fixture.getBody();
                return false;
                return true;


    public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) {

        hitBody = null;
        GameWorld.physicsWorld.QueryAABB(callback, testPoint.x - 0.0001f,
                                        testPoint.y - 0.0001f,
                                        testPoint.x + 0.0001f,
                                        testPoint.y + 0.0001f);

        for(DynamicBox b:GameWorld.BoxList){
            if(hitBody == b.boxerino){
                System.out.println("click detected");
                b.shouldRemove = true;

        return false;


There is a boolean which I believe is true if the body is clicked. (b.shouldRemove = true) After that I go to my update loop and remove the body as well as the body of the factory from the array.ist class

public void update(float delta){

        physicsWorld.step(delta, 2, 2);

        for(int i=0;i<BoxList.size();i++){
            DynamicBox b = BoxList.get(i);




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