Simple Linq Subquery Example

T-SQL query

Select * from dbo.User_Users
Where UserID IN (Select UserID from Course_Enrollments)


LINQ to Entities alternative to above query

var innerquery = from en in Course_Enrollments
select en.UserID;

var query = from u in User_Users
where innerquery.Contains(u.UserID)
select u;


There are many complex subqueries on stackoverflow, I just want to see a simple example of how a simple subquery is done via linq. This is how I did it, however its not very good because it is sending 2 queries to the database.


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2 answers

The simple answer is to use the "let" keyword and create a subquery that maintains your conditional set for the main object.

var usersEnrolledInCourses = from u in User_Users
                                 let ces = from ce in Course_Enrollments
                                           select ce.UserID
                                 where ces.Contains(u.UserID)
                             select u;   


This will create an existing block in TSQL like

SELECT [Extent1].*
   FROM dbo.User_Users AS Extent1
                     FROM dbo.Course_Enrollements AS Extent2
                     WHERE (Extent2.UserID = Extent1.UserId))


This is close to what you asked for and will usually generate the same query plan on SQL Server.

Hope this helps!



from u in User_Users
where u.Course_Enrollments.Any()
select u


if you have foreign keys set. If not, you can do this

from u in User_Users
join cu in Course_Enrollments on u.UserId equals cu.UserId
select u


You must also wrap any of them with a call .Distinct()



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