Tkinter Scale and floats at resolution> 1

How do I get float values ​​from the scale when the resolution is higher than 1? If I set the resolution below 1, for example 0.9, the Scale will give floats. Above is 1 and all I can get are integers.

Sample code:

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()

var = DoubleVar()
scale = Scale(root, variable=var, resolution=3.4)

label = Label(root, textvariable=var)



I am using Python 3.4.1 64-bit on Windows 7.


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1 answer

Scale () widget problems Visual MVC


does not allow control over the UI representation (Visual-part) Scale()

(decimal depth) and part of the model remains valid (although hidden, can be checked through aScaleINSTANCE.get()


Workaround layout:

from tkinter import *                     # python 3+

root = Tk()
varAsTxt = StringVar()                    # an MVC-trick an indirect value-holder
aScale = Scale( root,
                variable   = varAsTxt,    # MVC-Model-Part value holder
                from_      = -10.0,       # MVC-Model-Part value-min-limit
                to         =  10.0,       # MVC-Model-Part value-max-limit
                length     = 600,         # MVC-Visual-Part layout geometry [px]
                digits     =   4,         # MVC-Visual-Part presentation trick
                resolution =   0.23       # MVC-Controller-Part stepping




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