How to simulate $ http timeout in Jasmine and Angular
I am trying to simulate http timeout using Jasmine. I created Angular HTTPInterceptor
.factory('HTTPTimeoutInterceptorService', function($rootScope, $q, AppConfig) {
return {
'request': function(config) {
config.timeout = 2000;
return config;
And I added the service to $ httpProvider
The code works 100%, I'm just not sure how to test it with Jasmine.
it('should wait for the timeout to elapse and issue an HTTP timeout error', function() {
$httpBackend.when("GET", "").respond({});
var httpGetValue = $http.get("");
}, 2100);
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank!
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1 answer
There is no need to use here setTimeout
, you need to pass an argument $timeout.flush()
to simulate how much time has passed.
it('should wait for the timeout to elapse and issue an HTTP timeout error', function() {
$httpBackend.when("GET", "").respond({});
var httpGetValue = $http.get("");
$timeout.flush(2100); // specify how long to simulate here
Also see: $ timeout in ngMock documentation
Hope it helps.
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