Pandas return index and column name based on item value

I am trying to return a column name and index based on the value of an element. I have something like this:

enter image description here

So, give me time to return the index and column names of all values ​​where the value is> 0.75.

for date, row in df.iterrows():
    for item in row:
        if item > .75:
            print index, row


I wanted this to return "traffic and rip-off". However, this returns all values. I haven't found an answer to this in the documentation, online or here. Thank you in advance.


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3 answers

By using slightly different numbers (for no particular reason), you can stack for a series and then use logical indexing:

In [11]: df.stack()
assault  assault    1.00
         robbery    0.76
         traffic    0.60
robbery  assault    0.76
         robbery    1.00
         traffic    0.78
traffic  assault    0.68
         robbery    0.78
         traffic    1.00
dtype: float64

In [12]: s = df.stack()

In [13]: s[(s!=1) & (s>0.77)]
robbery  traffic    0.78
traffic  robbery    0.78
dtype: float64


You can do a little numpy to remove duplicates, one of which * is 0, which are not on the top diagonal with triu (unfortunately this does not come back as DataFrame :():

In [21]: np.triu(df, 1)
array([[ 0.  ,  0.76,  0.6 ],
       [ 0.  ,  0.  ,  0.78],
       [ 0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ]])

In [22]: s = pd.DataFrame(np.triu(df, 1), df.index, df.columns).stack() > 0.77

In [23]: s[s]
robbery  traffic    True
dtype: bool

In [24]: s[s].index.tolist()
Out[24]: [('robbery', 'traffic')]


* I suspect there are better ways ...



If you want to keep for loops, you can use columns and index:

for i in df.index:
  for j in df.columns:
    if (i != j) and (df[i][j] > 0.75):


Then the output will be as follows:

robbery traffic
traffic robbery


Update: As FooBar pointed out, it is inefficient. Better to use something like FooBar and Andy Hayden:

In [3]: df[(df>0.75) & (df!=1)].stack().drop_duplicates()
Out[3]: robbery  traffic    0.78
        dtype: float64




I start with

         assault  robbery  traffic
assault     1.00     0.74     0.68
robbery     0.74     1.00     0.78
traffic     0.68     0.78     1.00


and do

df = df.reset_index()
df2 = df.stack().reset_index()
df2.drop_duplicates(0)[df2[0] > 0.75][['index', 'level_1']]

     index  level_1
0  assault  assault
5  robbery  traffic


Where drop_duplicates()

gets rid of duplicate key pairs but assumes each key pair has a unique value (which is debatable).



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