Add animation to jQuery

I did some custom animation:

$(this).animate({opacity: '0'}, 200, function() {
    $(this).animate({height: '0'}, 200, function() {


Is there a way to add it to a jQuery function so that I can call it like fadeOut () or slideIn ()?


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2 answers

What do you want to do in all jQuery plugins . The idea is to add your function to prototype

jQuery to be aliased as $.fn

. You do it like this:

$.fn.myFadeOut = function(){
    return this.animate({opacity: '0'}, 200, function() {
        $(this).animate({height: '0'}, 200, function() {




You can create your own jQuery function using the property fn


$.fn.removeElement = function() {
    return this.each( function() {
        $(this).animate({opacity: '0'}, 200, function() {
            $(this).animate({height: '0'}, 200, function() {



$( '#someElement' ).removeElement();




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