Failed to get Roslyn end user preview but uses old compiler

I tried to install the Roslyn end user preview to play with some of the new C # 6.0 features, but I can't seem to get it to work. I have Visual Studio Premium 2013 Update 3. I downloaded the Roslyn End User Preview and it installed without any problems. After restarting Visual Studio, I tried to do what was suggested: create a new project so that it switches to the new compiler, then drop that project and open an existing project or create another new project.

Now I tried to create a simple console project using the .NET 4.5 framework. However, I can't seem to get any of the new C # 6.0 features to work. For me, neither auto-property initializers, nor declaration expressions, nor exception filters, nor explicit constructors will compile. I tried to compile identical code on another computer without Roslyn preview, and it gives me the same compilation errors, so it seems like it is still using the old compiler.

How can I get VS to switch to using the Roslyn compiler?


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