Get method result in Java debugger

Suppose I need to debug some compiled Java code that provides debug information. Therefore, I cannot change this code. For example, I have

SomeClass object;


So, I want to check the object that doAction () returns and its fields. I know that most IDEs have a valuValue action, but I don't have to call the method twice because it can make changes that cannot be reversed. I don't care which IDE (Eclipse, Idea, Netbeans ...) to use or even pure jdb. Perhaps there is a corresponding expression that suits many language debuggers, not just Java.


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2 answers

I don't know if this information is helpful, but if you are using the Eclipse IDE you can select the expression you want and press "ctrl + shift + i" to get the result of that expression.



It's called Expressions in Eclipse. If you go to the "Debug" perspective, you can see this.

If you can't get to the debug perspective

  • Click Window> Open Perspective> Debug.
  • If you do not see debug information, click another and search for "Debug".

Opening the Expressions tab

  • If you don't see it in debug mode, go to Window> Show View> Expressions.
  • If you don't see Expressions in the Show view, click Other instead of Expressions.
  • Inside expressions, click Add New Expression and paste your code you want to evaluate there.


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