IE min-height Hover error

I have a li grid, each with a hover. It works fine in all browsers except Internet Explorer (tested on IE10). Tilting expands the div beyond its height. I know IE has minimum height issues, but as far as I know this should be supported.

I tried everything I could find including: -

  • body setting, html up to 100%
  • setting parent ul and li to position: relative
  • Adding vertical up alignment to li
  • Adding min-height: 0px to parent ul
  • Adding inline display block to li and / or ul
  • Next hack

    min-height: 236px; height: auto! important; height: 236px;

None of these works.

The only thing that works is removing the minimum height altogether and setting a fixed height property, then autoporting the height in the media query. I can live with this, but I'd love to know what can fix this annoying behavior.




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