How to call a SQL stored procedure dynamically (dynamic parameters in sp_executesql)?

When calling a SQL Server stored procedure from an external language (such as C #), the way to code the call is such that the stored procedure can be fully described in metadata and called using a common function. Maintaining a different number of parameters between different procedures is facilitated by collecting the parameters in the caller of the command.

If someone wanted to implement a similar capability entirely in SQL Server if you are using sp_executesql

(a somewhat relevant example might be here: Dynamic Search Conditions in T-SQL ) .... you can get most of the path there, but the main problem is that the parameters in the function call must be hardcoded.

Example from the article:

EXEC sp_executesql @sql, @paramlist,                               
               @orderid, @fromdate, @todate, @minprice,        
               @maxprice,  @custid, @custname, @city, @region, 
               @country, @prodid, @prodname   


In this example, the SQL statement is stored in @sql

, the parameter list is stored in @paramList

, and below is the actual parameter list.

Both @sql

and @paramList

are simple variables nvarchar

that can be set by software (by reading from the metadata and assign variables), but the actual parameters are hard-coded.

So the question is:

Is there a way to specify the actual parameters and values ​​so that the implementation of this whole function can be completely generic?


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2 answers

It can be done, but I don't know yet if there are performance implications and some approaches are open to SQL injection.

Some examples are shown here in a secondary question that specifically asks the question of performance using different syntaxes (some of which favor purely dynamic SQL, while others do not):

Performance differences causing sp_executesql with dynamic SQL vs parameters



The parameter list can be sent as a comma delimited list (or a special character delimiter), then the list can be parsed into a table. In this example I used "," and "=".

This was my original solution:

DECLARE @List VARCHAR(MAX) = 'a=1,b=3,c=hey,d=12/05/10,val5='
DECLARE @Delimiter1 VARCHAR(1) = ','
DECLARE @Delimiter2 VARCHAR(1) = '='
SELECT y.i.value('(./text())[1]', 'nvarchar(4000)') pass1
INTO #Buffer
    SELECT x = CONVERT(XML, '<i>' 
        + REPLACE(@List, @Delimiter1, '</i><i>') 
        + '</i>').query('.')
) a 
CROSS APPLY x.nodes('i') y(i)

SELECT ROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDER BY(SELECT 1)) rn,y.i.value('(./text())[1]', 'nvarchar(4000)') pass2
INTO #PreResult
    SELECT x = CONVERT(XML, '<i>' 
        + REPLACE(b.pass1, @Delimiter2, '</i><i>') 
        + '</i>').query('.')
    FROM #Buffer b
    WHERE b.pass1 LIKE '%=%' AND b.pass1 NOT LIKE '%=%=%' -- to make sure assignment has place and there is no double or more assignments
) a 
CROSS APPLY x.nodes('i') y(i)

SELECT @List '@List'
--SELECT '' '#Buffer',* FROM #Buffer b
--SELECT '' '#PreResult',* FROM #PreResult p

SELECT p.pass2 [Variable],p2.pass2 [Value]
FROM #PreResult p
INNER JOIN #PreResult p2 ON p2.rn = p.rn + 1
WHERE p.rn%2 > 0




DECLARE @List VARCHAR(MAX) = 'a=1,b=3,c=hey,d=12/05/10,val5='

DECLARE @Delimiter1 VARCHAR(1) = ','
DECLARE @Delimiter2 VARCHAR(1) = '='

SELECT v.v.value('(./text())[1]', 'nvarchar(4000)') [Variable],n.n.value('(./text())[1]', 'nvarchar(4000)') [Value]
        '<a><v>' + REPLACE(REPLACE(@List,@Delimiter1,'</n></a><a><v>'),@Delimiter2,'</v><n>') + '</n></a>'
) a 
CROSS APPLY x.nodes('a') y(a)
CROSS APPLY y.a.nodes('v') v(v)
CROSS APPLY y.a.nodes('n') n(n)


Your best bet is to send an XML with a list of parameters and then parse that XML into a table.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Update : So here you only need to provide one value - a list of parameters and their values. Within the request, you can do whatever you want with them.


SET @sql = N'
DECLARE @Delimiter1 VARCHAR(1) = '',''
DECLARE @Delimiter2 VARCHAR(1) = ''=''

SELECT v.v.value(''(./text())[1]'', ''NVARCHAR(4000)'') [Variable],n.n.value(''(./text())[1]'', ''NVARCHAR(4000)'') [Value]
INTO #Values
        ''<a><v>'' + REPLACE(REPLACE(@List,@Delimiter1,''</n></a><a><v>''),@Delimiter2,''</v><n>'') + ''</n></a>''
) a 
CROSS APPLY x.nodes(''a'') y(a)
CROSS APPLY y.a.nodes(''v'') v(v)
CROSS APPLY y.a.nodes(''n'') n(n)

/*Do whatever you want with the values*/
/*There even could be a stored proc call based on parameters provided*/
SELECT v.Value FROM #Values v WHERE v.Variable = ''c''

SET @paramlist = '@list nvarchar(max)'

DECLARE @List VARCHAR(MAX) = 'a=1,b=3,c=hey,d=12/05/10,val5='

EXEC sp_executesql @sql, @paramlist, @list=@List




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