Making a Scala version of this Java method

Attempting to port the following Java method to Scala. Completion with a lot of nested map and ugly "foreach" return statement. the converted method looks ugly like its OO counterparts in Java.


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1 answer

Instead of navigating the tracks to find the value you want lanes find (_.number == 42)


Express guards as filters and defaults as getOrElse



scala> case class Lane(number: Int)
defined class Lane

scala> val lanes: Seq[Lane] = Nil
lanes: Seq[Lane] = List()

scala> Option(lanes) filter (_.nonEmpty) flatMap (_.find(_.number == 42))
res0: Option[Lane] = None

scala> Option(lanes) filter (_.nonEmpty) flatMap (_.find(_.number == 42)) map (_.number) getOrElse -1
res1: Int = -1



scala> for (x <- Option(lanes); y <- x.find(_.number == 42)) yield y.number
res3: Option[Int] = None


Then refactor predicates to small functions for getting x find goodNumber

, etc.

More reviews:

Folding is commendable, but usually you want to use max

or maxBy

if that's what you do.

spots maxBy (


You can express your missing condition as part of a fold, but it's easier to just scan the list again:

if (spots exists (!_.model.equalsIgnoreCase(vehicle.model))) fail


You can optimize later if needed.



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