Total duration of events, possible gaps and interval overlaps

There is a list of time slots. There is always a start and an end datetime, for example:

TimeFrom                  TimeTill
2014-07-10 07:00:00.000   2014-07-10 11:30:00.000
2014-07-10 13:00:00.000   2014-07-10 14:00:00.000
2014-07-10 13:00:00.000   2014-07-10 14:30:00.000


Both TimeFrom

and are TimeTill

always on the same day, no exceptions. Let's say this means time spent on various projects (three in this case). Overlaps allowed.

I would like to ask for help with a SQL Server 2008 R2 query to get the total length of stay of a person for a day.

Please note that there is no opening period. In this case, it is between 11:30 and 13:00.

When I use min(TimeFrom)

and max(TimeTill)

to calculate the duration between earliest start and last end, it works great for overlaps, except that I cannot subtract the no-work interval.

The desired output is something along this line:

Day         TimeWorking
2014-07-10  360


Your help is greatly appreciated!



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1 answer

You can create a list of 1 minute intervals for the whole day. The query exists

can filter out minutes without work. The total counter is the number of minutes in which the work was completed:

; with  all_minutes as
        select  cast('00:00' as time) as time
        union all
        select  dateadd(minute, 1, time)
        from    all_minutes
        where   time < cast('23:59' as time)
select  cast(yt.TimeFrom as date) as day
,       count(distinct am.time) as minutes_worked
from    YourTable yt
left join
        all_minutes am
on      cast(yt.TimeFrom as time) <= am.time
        and am.time < cast(yt.TimeTo as time)
group by
        cast(TimeFrom as date)
option  (maxrecursion 0)


Example in SQL Fiddle.



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