Is there a way to fully automate creating / editing / deleting iOS apps in iTunes Connect?

I am working with an iOS client for a site where users can create and sell courses. Since Apple wants all purchases in the iOS app to be available as in-app purchases, I need a way to automate the creation of that in-app purchase. At this point I have read the Application Metadata Specification and Transporter User's Guide and it looks like a way to do it: create a metadata package when any course is edited (created or deleted) and automatically (some script?) for the conveyor. But I am missing a playground and experience here - the app is not yet in the AppStore. Therefore, I cannot play with in-app purchases. So I am wondering what was generated via in-app purchases:will they be immediately available for sale? What if I need to change, for example, the name of the in-app purchase (because the course on the server got the name edited). Should I just download the package with all in-app purchases?

PS Good example of my application. I want to be like this: Udemy : there are many courses available such as in-app purchases, each course presented by its own non-consumable product (starting with the product name when purchasing the course name)


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2 answers

We finally found a way to do it. The idea is to use the Transporter provided by apple:

It is a Java application that can be used to update the application's metadata. As far as we've noticed, in-app purchases are part of the app's metadata. This transporter receives special xml as input. The official documentation should be available here: under the Transporter User Guide and Metadata Specification links.



Yes there is. This Spaceship is part of the fastlane ruby gem that uses a web-based utility to interact with Apple's web services.

I added 45 IAPs for ITC in less than 10 minutes with screenshots and that's it:

  • Create CSV file with data for IAP
  • Creating a ruby ​​script with fastlane that loads the IAP

Instructions on how to do what I did:

The gist of this is what I found in this blogpost :

    type: Spaceship::Tunes::IAPType::NONCONSUMABLE, 
    versions: {
      "en-US" => {
        name: "Display name",
        description: "Description has at least 10 characters"
    reference_name: "IAP reference name",
    product_id: "",
    cleared_for_sale: true,
    review_notes: "A note for a reviewer",
    review_screenshot: "/Users/you/Desktop/iap.jpg", 
          country: "WW",
          begin_date: nil,
          end_date: nil,
          tier: 1




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