Entity Framework is really slow Getting a single item

It takes about 30 seconds to get a single element from a table with 6000 records. Obviously this is unacceptable and I can't figure out why. My stack is .NET 4.5, EF 6 and Web API 2. Is there something incredibly wrong with what I've done?

// DbSet
internal DbSet<TEntity> _dbSet;

// Ctor
public GenericRepository(TContext context)
            _context = context;
            _context.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
            _dbSet = _context.Set<TEntity>();

// Really slow method
public TEntity GetByFilter(Func<TEntity,bool> filter, params Expression<Func<TEntity, object>>[] includes)
            IQueryable<TEntity> query = _dbSet;
            if (includes != null)
                foreach (var include in includes)
                    query = query.Include(include);

            var entity = query.Where(filter).FirstOrDefault();

            return entity;

// Here how it called.  It returns a single item
var x = _unitOfWork.Repository.GetByFilter(i => i.WinId == id, null);


c # asp.net-web-api entity-framework iqueryable

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1 answer

The reason this is slow is because you are using linq-to-objects in your proposal Where

, that is, you execute the predicate on the client (C #) instead of the server (SQL), C # gets 6000 database records, and then filtering them in memory.

This can be seen because your parameter filter

is of type Func

, which means that you are using linq-to-objects through the IEnumerable.Where Extension .

Instead, you want to use the IQueryable.Where extension , which takes a type parameter Expression

. This uses the Entity Framework query provider and uses linq-to-ef instead.

Update your method signature as follows:

public TEntity GetByFilter(
    Expression<Func<TEntity,bool>> filter, 
    params Expression<Func<TEntity, object>>[] includes)


This is illustrated further in the following stackoverflow answer fooobar.com/questions/12481 / ...


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