Distance Spatial Queries with Tastypie

Not sure how to use distance_lte spatial filters with yummy pie. I can use the containing spatial filter, I cannot define the format of the distance_lte filter.

Here's what I've tried:

http://www.domain.com/myapp/api/v1/location/?format=json&coord__distance_lte={"type": "Point", "coordinates": [153.09537, -27.52618]},D(m=5)


What returns {"error": "Invalid resource lookup data provided (mismatched type)."}


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2 answers

From tastypie source code:

# If we are filtering on a GeometryApiField then we should try
# and convert this to a GEOSGeometry object.  The conversion
# will fail if we don't have value JSON, so in that case we'll
# just return ``value`` as normal.


your D (m = 3) is not valid JSON. This is the code that converts the fields:

if isinstance(self.fields[field_name], GeometryApiField):
            value = GEOSGeometry(unquote(value))
        except ValueError:
    return value


Since the following code should work internally: Location.objects.filter(location__distance_lte=(fromstr('POINT(153.09537 -27.52618)', srid=4326), D(m=5)))

I could imagine this should look a bit like this:

[{"type": "Point", "coordinates": [153.09537, -27.52618]},{"type": "D", "m" : 5}]


I am not running this yet. Hope you have more luck!

EDIT: Since I couldn't get this to work, I implemented it myself using Django Tastypie's Advanced Filtering: How to Perform Complex Search with Q Objects Not a perfect solution, but it works.



This is because Tastypie mistakenly searches for valid filters using the querysets query.query_terms attributes

It will not contain "distance" and you will get an error as a result.

Also, TastyPie mostly doesn't work with these GIS searches (at least not without adding its own special sauce).

You can do remote work, for example, by overriding build_filters and adding "distance" to the allowed filter set:

def build_filters(self, filters=None):
   Add in some filters so spatial queries will work.
   return super(MyResource, self).build_filters(filters)


After which the documentation starts to get correct as to how you pass WKT and / or GeoJSON as receive parameters.



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