How to solve npm WARN package.json ... No README data

When I run the following command

npm install


I am getting the following errors:

npm WARN package.json karma-chrome-launcher@0.1.4 No README data
npm WARN package.json karma-coffee-preprocessor@0.2.1 No README data
npm WARN package.json karma-phantomjs-launcher@0.1.4 No README data
npm WARN unmet dependency /myproj/node_modules/grunt requires lodash@'~0.9.2' but will load
npm WARN unmet dependency /myproj/node_modules/lodash
npm WARN unmet dependency which is version 2.4.1
npm WARN unmet dependency /myproj/node_modules/grunt-usemin requires lodash@'~1.0.1' but will load
npm WARN unmet dependency /myproj/node_modules/lodash
npm WARN unmet dependency which is version 2.4.1
grunt-build-control@0.1.3 node_modules/grunt-build-control
└── shelljs@0.2.6


What do they mean and how to resolve them?


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2 answers

provided by all of the above projects.

So this is a mistake on your side. It is possible that you saved as a dependency, if you need to modify your .json package, but we don't do anything manually, let's npm

handle it:

Remove packages from project dependencies

npm remove karma-chrome-launcher karma-firefox-launcher karma-cofee-preprocessor karma-phantomjs-launcher --save


Add packages from devDependecies project

Then set as dev dependencies as descirbed in project pages with

npm install karma-chrome-launcher karma-firefox-launcher karma-cofee-preprocessor karma-phantomjs-launcher --save-dev




As mentioned above in the comments, these warnings:

npm WARN package.json karma-chrome-launcher@0.1.4 No README data
npm WARN package.json karma-coffee-preprocessor@0.2.1 No README data
npm WARN package.json karma-phantomjs-launcher@0.1.4 No README data


inform you that the maintainer karma-chrome-launcher, karma-coffee-preprocessor, karma-phantoms-launcher did not provide files for their projects.

To fix this, you will need to search for the package on github and submit a pull request to provide a that maintainers may be happy to accept .; -)

EDIT: 2015-03-26

$ npm pack karma-chrome-launcher@0.1.4 $ tar tzf karma-chrome-launcher-0.1.4.tgz package/package.json package/LICENSE package/index.js



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