How do I return a const data table from an R function?

How to return const data.table

from a function R


A data.table

from the package data.table

is passed and returned from functions by reference.

Hence, the function returning data.table

allows the calling function to modify the returned one data.table


So the question is: how to return a constant data.table

from a function R


There are a few obvious solutions that don't work for us:

  • Call copy()

    in data.table

    on return.

    constByCopy <- function() {
      dt <- ... # dt is a data.table not created in the current environment

    It works; however ours data.table

    are large enough that this solution is not viable.

  • Use lockBinding()

    and unlockBinding()

    . However, this does not work with data.table

    as it is still possible to change the locked one data.table

    . (This is similar to the difference between int * const

    and int const * const

    in C ++.)


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