Three.js - Getting a low poly image
I am trying to create a low poly style terrain, for reference, this style:
By this I mean that each triangular is one shade.
When I try something like this, the shading is very smooth. Here's an example with several triangulars:
(source: )
I also tried adding drop shadows, but that also didn't give the desired effect. Here's a shot with lots of triangulars with shadows added:
(source: )
Looking at Three's documentation, the shading property in the material class sounds like it would work, but THREE.FlatShading and THREE.NoShading don't seem to have any effect.
Is there a special technique I need to use to create this effect? Any direction you can point me to would be much appreciated.
You can find my first demo here
Many thanks,
Will be
EDIT: This answer is out of date. Update:
material.shading = THREE.FlatShading
now material.flatShading = true
You have changed the positions of your vertices PlaneGeometry
To create flat shading with MeshLambertMaterial
, you have to update your normals by calling
For other materials, just fit just material.flatShading = true
enough to get a flat look.
three.js r.87