Using: before (or: after) or tr tables

I am trying to get the effect of buttons sitting outside the table that correspond to the table rows they affect. I am trying to use pseudo elements for this. I can achieve this easily if I use: after the table row, however, if I use this before, it treats the pseudo-element as a new td on the table row and pushes all one td at a time, making the table unaligned.

<table class="saInstrcutionTable">
            <th>Title 1</th>
            <th>Title 2</th>
            <th>Title 3</th>
        <tr class="saLevel">
            <td><input type="checkbox" name="level1"></td>
            <td>Level 1 Name</td>
        <tr class="moveTableLevel">
            <td><input type="checkbox"></td>
            <td>A.Truck, B.Car, C. House</td>
            <td>Say look at that, turn head and point</td>
            <td>CLorem ipsum</td>
        <tr class="moveTableLevel">
            <td><input type="checkbox"></td>
            <td>A.Truck, B.Car, C. House</td>
            <td>Say look at that, turn head and point</td>
            <td>CLorem ipsum</td>
        <tr class="moveTableLevel">
            <td><input type="checkbox"></td>
            <td>A.Truck, B.Car, C. House</td>
            <td>Say look at that, turn head and point</td>
            <td>CLorem ipsum</td>
        <tr class="moveTableLevel">
            <td><input type="checkbox"></td>
            <td>A.Truck, B.Car, C. House</td>
            <td>Say look at that, turn head and point</td>
            <td>CLorem ipsum</td>


I am using moveTableLevel class to add item to add buttons attached to table row

position: relative
content: 'up'


If I use: after the desired effect works fine, however I don't want the button on the right side of the table. Is there a way to achieve this (perhaps using pseudo-elements) ?: before it seems to want to add a whole new td. Thank!

edit: fiddle here for a live example


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1 answer

I had a similar problem (almost exactly the same, in fact). What I ended up doing was using the :after

psuedo element but moving it to where I wanted it with position: absolute

and setting the style left: 0


So I updated your fiddle with this and added padding to the left side of the entire table (so you can see the content)

.moveTableLevel:after {
    position: absolute;
    content: 'up';
    left: 5px;


This is contrary to my beliefs to use absolute positioning (which I think should be as small as possible), but that was the only way I could fix it. Hope this works for you too.



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