Unknown publisher warning using Symantec EV certificate

My company has acquired an EV certificate from Symantec for use in a software product we manufacture. In particular, it is called: Symantec Class 3 Extended Validation Code Signing CA - G2.

We are applying the Certificate to executables and DLLs using the signtool.exe file and this found the main purpose to eliminate the SmartScreen warning during installation in Windows 8 / 8.1.

However, the installation dialogs generated by our ClickOnce installer show:

Publisher: Unknown publisher

We have tried everything we can think of to resolve this issue, including contacting Symantec Tech Support. They could not help us and could only advise us to contact Microsoft for help. We thought that the question here would require further action from us.

Does anyone else have this problem? Can anyone know a solution?


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1 answer

When using signtool, try using the /d

and options /du

. I had similar issues with activex installations and it worked for me.

Please see this page for more information .



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