Drain Mercury Fork, Change Branch

We are using Mercurial to manage a project that has two teams. Our team manages the repo and we use the hg stream on it, with default, development and branches. The other team does their work in a separate repo and we change their changes from time to time.

The other team is not making Mercurial very fast, and they wanted to do their work on the default branch. This is annoying because we want our branch to be clean by default.

We did what Ned Batchelder suggested at http://nedbatchelder.com/blog/201111/advanced_mercurial_branches.html , but he still leaves the commits in our repo and their branch is marked as default. Thus, using Bitbucket download requests.

Other options that spring uses are using patches or using graft and strip. I would like to hear suggestions that are less troublesome.


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2 answers

If you want the "Hard Way, But Nice Results", you should forget about the simple clean-bitbucket storage sync interface.

With Convert Extension,--branchmap

you can rename any branch in the original repository to any name. So your workflow will be something like this:

  • Prepare a file for displaying branches
  • Clone | pull from fork to local repository
  • Converting a cloned repo using a branch to a repository with good branch names
  • Push the conversion result to your Bitbucket0repository.


Or consider using bookmarks instead of named branches. You can then move your changes to your development bookmark without any of its past default scrolling.

he is not completely crazy for wanting to develop in the default branch; this is the standard advice: https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/StandardBranching#Don.27t_use_a_name_other_than_default_for_your_main_development_branch



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