Surrounding lambda expression parameter with parentheses

I was following this tutorial today to learn a little about Web API and noticed something - there was this line in the tutorial code:

var product = products.FirstOrDefault((p) => p.Id == id);


As you can see, the "p" parameter is listed in parentheses. Since it is not necessary, so is this, I am curious if there is any benefit to this, or if it is just a developer preference?


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2 answers

In this case, it is purely a developer preference.

Patients are needed if you have multiple parameters. For example:

var singleString = someStrings.Aggregate((current, next) => current + Environment.NewLine + next);




The C # specification explicitly states that it (p) => ...

can be written as p => ...


7.15 Anonymous Function Expressions


In an anonymous function with one implicitly typed parameter, the parentheses can be omitted from the parameter list. In other words, the anonymous form function

( param ) => expr


can be shortened to

param => expr


So there is no technical difference, just personal preference.



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