How to order nested collections in Linq and EF

I would like to make a treelistview for my data.

The tree should look like this:

-> Providers   
→ Accounts

public sealed class AccountRoot    
    public AccountRoot()
        Providers = new Collection<Hoster>();

    public long AccountRootId { get; set; }
    public ICollection<Hoster> Providers { get; set; } 


public sealed class Hoster
    public Hoster()
        Accounts = new Collection<Account>();

    public long HosterId { get; set; }
    public long AccountRootId { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public ICollection<Account> Accounts { get; set; } 

public sealed class Account
    public long AccountId { get; set; }
    public long HosterId { get; set; }
    public Hoster Hoster { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }


I would like to order my request.

should look like

Accounts Providers AZ
Accounts AZ

what i got so far ...

var query = _entity.AccountRoot.Local
                   .Select(x => new AccountRoot()
                        AccountRootId = x.AccountRootId,
                        Providers = x.Providers.OrderBy(y => y.Name).ToList()


Missing orderby

for the next nested collection.

Thanks for the help!: -)


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1 answer

This can be slightly different approaches depending on whether you already have a result set and just want to sort it in code, or you want to build IQueryable<>

for EF to be compiled with SQL and done with the actual sort in the database.

First, suppose you already have a collection in your code. In this case, you have an object AccountRoot

that contains a collection Providers

, each of which has a collection Accounts

. Obviously, you cannot return the same objects as you can to change the order of the collection's properties, so you just need to create new ones. I would just sort the collections, but you could create completely new objects if you need to:

var query = ...
    .Select(x => new AccountRoot
        // add copy properties here
        // ....
        Providers = x.Providers
                        .Select(y =>
                            // Here we can construct completely new entity, 
                            // with copying all properties one by one,
                            // or just reorder existing collection as I do here
                            var result = y;
                            result.Accounts = y.Accounts.OrderBy(z => z.Name).ToArray();
                            return result;
                        .OrderBy(y => y.Name)


The second case, if you need to get it directly from SQL, is a little different since you can't use the whole thing var result = ...; ... return result

in a lambda - it won't compile to SQL. But the idea is the same - you need to build a projection from datasets. It should be something like this:

var query = ...
    .Select(x => new AccountRoot
        AccountRootId = x.AccountRootId,
        // Other properties to copy
        // ...
        Providers = x.Providers
                        .Select(y => new Hoster
                            HosterId = y.HosterId,
                            // Other properties to copy
                            // ...
                            Accounts = y.Accounts.OrderBy(z => z.Name).ToArray(),
                        .OrderBy(y => y.Name)




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