Sails.js - How do I change the node.js module used by sails?

I want to write my own ejs-locals node module, but I also want the sails to use mine and I don't want to change the sails packages.json


How can I load, after sails have loaded their module ejs-locals

, my own module, to override it?

If there is a correct way to do things like this, I'd like to know :) Thanks.

I tried to find an answer to the official documentation there:

But there is nothing about this.


I tried to use the attribute fn

in config/views.js

but it doesn't work as expected, I made an example here:

Final edit:

It works great with the solution suggested as the accepted answer, just disable layout

or it will mess up your config.layout: false


source to share

3 answers

Hard disk configuration:

view: {
    engine: {
       ext: 'ejs',
       fn: yourfunction
   // need to disabe sails.js default partials feature for dont auto load sails ejs-locals
   partial: false




Try configuring the view engine in config / views.js.


ext : 'ejs',
fn: require('ejs-locals')





You can use npm winding trimming.

Then edit npm-shrinkwrap.json

and under the sails section point ejs or ejs-lorals to your version



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