QProcess always returns -2 when executing a valid command
I am writing a program in qt that will execute commands on windows.
Here is the method I am using to try and get the commands to work.
bool FirmwareUpdater::RunCommand( QString& command, QStringList& args, int expectedCode )
QProcess *proc = new QProcess();
proc->setWorkingDirectory ( "C:\\windows\\" );
int exitCode = proc->execute(command, args );
this->stream << command << " " << exitCode << "\n";
return ( exitCode == expectedCode );
If I run
QString command = "ping";
QStringList args;
args << "localhost";
RunCommand( command, args );
It works fine and returns 0;
But if I try any other Windows utility it returns -2. Right now I'm trying to get pnpUtil to work too.
QString command = qgetenv( "WINDIR" ) + "\\System32\\PnPUtil.exe";
QStringList args;
args << "-a";
args << updateDriver;
I have the code to print the command with arguments for me and if I run the command manually it works. But this is not the case in qt.
I may be doing something wrong. Is there any other way to do this without QProcess?
I have also tried calling static meathod
But that doesn't work either.
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I believe your program is 32 bit and works under 64 bit Windows. PnPUtil.exe
is not in c:\windows\system32
when you run a 32-bit program, so it QProcess
does not start it. It is somewhere else, for example, mine is in C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-pnputil_31bf3856ad364e35_6.3.9600.16384_none_ee22229c907e8ce2
. You can run c:\windows\system32\PnPUtil.exe
from the command line because it cmd.exe
is a 64-bit program.
You can try solutions here or here .
Sample code that runs PnPUtil and Ping under 32-bit or 64-bit Windows.
#include <QtCore>
void run( QString command, QStringList args )
QProcess *proc = new QProcess();
//proc->setWorkingDirectory ( "C:\\windows\\" );
qDebug() << "\n===========================================";
qDebug() << "Running " << command << args.join(' ');
qDebug() << (QFile::exists(command) ? "File exists: " : "File may not exist:") << command;
int exitCode = proc->execute(command, args );
qDebug() << "\nResult";
qDebug() << "======";
qDebug() << "proc->execute() =" << exitCode;
qDebug() << "proc->exitCode() =" << proc->exitCode();
qDebug() << "proc->exitStatus() =" << proc->exitStatus();
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QStringList pnpUtilArg("-?");
QStringList pingArg("google.com");
run( qgetenv( "WINDIR" ) + "\\sysnative\\pnputil.exe", pnpUtilArg);
run( qgetenv( "WINDIR" ) + "\\system32\\pnputil.exe", pnpUtilArg);
run( qgetenv( "WINDIR" ) + "\\system32\\ping.exe", pingArg);
run( "ping.exe", pingArg);
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