How do I test an iOS app on a Jailbroken iPod Touch?

How can I test an iOS app on my Jailbroken Ipod Touch ?

Is there a tutorial for this?


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2 answers

How can I test an iOS app on my Jailbroken Ipod Touch?

Typically, all you need to do is create your application and then sign it:

$ codesign -fs "Johnny Developer" myapp.exe


If you don't have a developer account, then another option is to use ldid

. It should be as simple as:

$ ldid -S myapp.exe


I say "it should be as easy as" because I've never been able to handle it. I am just using my developer account from the command line using codesign

. The last time I used it, I was getting "Bad CPU Type In Executable" (I'm guessing it couldn't recognize ARMv7 at the time).


revealed in QA from Jailbreak. See the ldid tag sections .

If your device is really old, you don't even need to ldid

. Here I believe the "really old" one is before iOS 4.2 or so. See "Killed: 9" Command Line Tester .

You will know when code signing is giving you problems. If you try to run your program from the command line, it will be "Killed: 9".

Is there a tutorial for this?

Quick, short answer:

  • Install Cydia
  • Install SSH
  • Install mobile terminal
  • Set password
  • Push application with SSH
  • Run the program

The best part is that Cydia has a link for detailed instructions on the home / landing page (on device).

Also see Jailbreak QA . It looks like a stack overflow for jailbreakers.



I did it myself a few days ago. I would like to mention that no jailbreak is needed.

First you need to go to /User/<username>/Applications/

, then find

, press it again and select Show Package Contents

. Then go through Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS7.1.sdk

(Now pause for some water because it should have taken a lot of energy) and copy SDKSettings.plist

to your desktop. Now open the file you just copied ( SDKSettings.plist

) from the desktop, then use the .plist editor to find /DefaultProperties/CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED

. Now look to the right of it and switch it from YES

to NO


Now you will want to move the edited version from the desktop back to Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS7.1.sdk

and remember to either overwrite the old file or rename the old file so that Xcode will load your modification.

There is one more thing you will need to be sure about. When you create apps in Xcode, you need to set the code signing parameter to a value Don't Code Sign

so you can run the unsigned app on your device. To do this, open your app (or create a new project, whatever) in Xcode, then ask the Project Navigator to find your app (this is the first one that appears in the list with a blue icon on the left), then go to Build Settings

, make sure All

not is selected Basic

, then go to the part Code Signing

and change the value Code Signing Identity

to Don't Code Sign


You are now all set up (finally) to test apps on your device.



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