How to update nested list table using framework activation

I have two objects Task

and Comment

. There Task

is a list Comment

. When I post a new comment for a specific task, how do I do it? Should I create a new comment first? If I create a new one Comment

, how can the database know that it belongs to any task?

Here are my enitities:

case class Task (
    var title: String,
    var description: String,
    var estimate: Int,
    var time_start: String,
    var time_end: String,
    var state: String,
    var created_at: String,
    var created_by: String,
    var modified_at: String,
    var modified_by: String,
    var members: scala.collection.immutable.List[User],
    var comments: scala.collection.immutable.List[Comment])
      extends Entity

case class Comment (
        var content: String,
        var created_at: String,
        var edited_at: String,
        var last_comment: String)
      extends Entity


I am using createTableForAllEntities

to create tables and the table is automatically created:

    OWNER VARCHAR(1000),


I think I need to update this nested list table, but how?

And this is what I found in the game tutorial:

When using duplicate data like this, the form values ​​submitted by the browser should be named email [0], emails [1], emails [2], etc.

So, I think I should edit the json of the tasks this way, but how?

I first try to create a new comment and get it from the database. Then using

val toUpdate = new EntityMap[Task](oldT)
val oldComments = toUpdate.get(_.comments).getOrElse(List())
val newComments = oldComments :+ newC


He still can't update comments!


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