Mohaletic tests: how to get input value using css selectors

I am writing a test for a Mojolicious Application that sends some data in HTML form and then checks to see if it appears in a subsequent get request.

$t->post_ok('/intern/offer/edit'  => form  => {
      'angebotsdatum'    => '2014-02-22',
      'gastname'         => 'Hansi Hinterseer',
      'einmalkosten'     => '128.00',
      'tage'             => '9',
      'ankunft'          => '2014-01-01',
      'gesamtpreis'      => '764.00',
      'abfahrt'          => '2014-01-10',
      'tagespreis'       => '70.71',
      'apartments_id'    => 'HAG28',
      'id'               => '1',
      'aufenthaltspreis' => '636.39'
->content_like( qr/Angbot bearbeiten/ )

    ->text_like('html body h2' => qr/Intern - Angebote/ )
    ->text_like('html body h3' => qr/Angbot bearbeiten/ )
    ->text_is('html body form div#adatum label' => 'Angebotsdatum:' )
    ->text_is('html body form div#adatum input#angebotsdatum value'  => '2014-02-22' )


Unfortunately, the last test for the value of the input element fails because the return value is always empty. Label test (here "Angebotsdatum:") is doing well.

How can I select and return input elements from an HTML form?

Form HTML:

<div id="adatum">
    <input type="text" name="angebotsdatum" value="2014-02-22" id="angebotsdatum">


And this is the test output:

#   Failed test 'exact match for selector "html body form div\#adatum input[name=angebotsdatum] value"'
#   at t/1210-workflow_booking.t line 80.
#          got: ''
#     expected: '2014-02-22'


So, we can clearly see that the CSS selector is returning empty .


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2 answers

From Test :: Mojo

text_is . First checks the text content of the CSS selectors. HTML / XML element mapping for exact match to in in Mojo :: DOM.

Method at

Find the first element in the DOM structure that matches the CSS selector and return it as a Mojo :: DOM object, or return undef if no one can be found. All selectors from "SELECTORS" in Mojo :: DOM :: CSS are supported.


html body form div#adatum input#angebotsdatum value
                                             ^^^^^^ - this isn't valid


IMHO not a valid CSS selector.

You can try the following (shorthand) selector:

div#adatum > input[value="2014-02-22"]


find the element <input>

that has an attribute equal to 2014-02-22


E [Foo = "bar"] An E element whose foo attribute is equal to bar.

More information Mojo :: DOM :: CSS # SELECTORS

So, it is enough to check the existence of an element with exactly the required value:

->element_exists('input[value="2014-02-22"]', '...');


Ps: I'm not a very experienced Mojo developer, so ...




means you are looking for an element <input>

with an attribute id=angebotsdatum

, but what you want to find is an attribute name=angebotsdatum

. So I think the last test should look something like this:

->text_is('html body form div#adatum input[name=angebotsdatum] value' => ...)




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