Jenkins history by industry type

I've been playing around with Circleci and I really love that they allow you to select a project branch and then see all the builds that happened in that branch. I would like to implement this in our Jenkins server. Is there such a config or plugin?

Here's a quick mockup of what I'm talking about:

  - master
  - branch1
     -> build1
     -> build2
     -> build3 
     -> ...
  - branch2



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2 answers

You can accomplish most of what you want with Jenkins. The Git Plugin allows you to have a single build that will build all (or some) branches of a repository (or multiple repositories). You can simply leave the branch specifier field empty in the Git Plugin configuration to build all branches, or specify a template like "* / feature / **" that will build all branches that match the template.

Then set the Pluget Set Name Setter and then in your build configuration in the build environment check the "Set assembly name" checkbox and use #${BUILD_NUMBER}: ${GIT_REVISION,length=8} (${GIT_BRANCH})

as the assembly name.

This will cause the build history to look something like this:

#5: 2743f83d (master)
#4: d0b4eada (feature/featureB)
#3: 777e92c7 (feature/featureA)
#2: 15b6d92b (master)
#1: 6b625f7f (master)


It's not hierarchical like in your layout, but pretty close to it.



Jenkins works in different ways. You must create one job per branch. My team is merging the project name with the branch name, so the job name will look like my_project-master

and my_project-branch-1




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