UIActionSheet vs UIAlertController - iPad

Do I need to work with UIAlertController in iOS8 or can we work with UIActionSheet?

I don't need significant changes to our code to be compatible with iOS 8, but I am facing several issues when working with UIActionSheet on iPad.

For example, I am getting this exception when using UIActionSheet:

UIPopoverPresentationController (<_UIAlertControllerActionSheetRegularPresentationController: 0x7c57bf90>) should have a non-nil sourceView or barButtonItem set before the presentation occurs.


I understand that it is better to work with the new UIAlertController, but is there any workaround for this to continue working with the UIActionSheet?

Also in the places where the UIActionSheet actually shows (no exception) it contains a + arrow, it is not centered like it used to be (iOS7). I am using showInView (also tried with showFromRect, but got the same results).


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