Linking Derelict3 D with OS X

I just want to do a little test with GLFW3 D binding. I create a new package using

dub init glfw3Test


Then I wrote a small test in the glfw3Test \ source \ app.d file

import derelict.glfw3.glfw3;

void main() 
    // Load the GLFW 3 library.
    // Do something cool!



And I modified the default JSON:

"name": "glfw3Test",
    "derelict-glfw3": "~master"
"configurations": [
        "name": "glfw3Test",
        "targetType": "executable"


I built with dub build

, everything went fine, but when I started running the executable, I got the following errors:

derelict.util.exception.SharedLibLoadException@../../../.dub/packages/derelict-util-1.0.2/source/derelict/util/exception.d(35): Failed to load one or more shared libraries:
libglfw.3.dylib - dlopen(libglfw.3.dylib, 2): image not found
libglfw3.dylib - dlopen(libglfw3.dylib, 2): image not found


I also tried to compile my application manually without using DUB, but I always had the same problem.

You seem to be looking for the GLFW3 shared library, but I thought the lib was statically linked by an inline process.

I'm on OS X 10.10 with Xcode 6 installed (DMD compiler 2.065)


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1 answer

I noticed that the default GLFW3 build process (using cmake) does not create dylib files. So I rebuilt GLFW with the following option:



And then I created make install

, so now the libglfw.dylib file is correctly installed in / usr / local / lib

Thanks @duselbaer for noticing this issue.



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