PHP. Is array_map faster than foreach?

In terms of performance, is this the best option?

While in the object:

Case number 1

public function test( $array ) {
    return array_map( array( $this, 'do_something_to_element' ), $array );


Case number 2

public function test( $array ) {
    $return = array();
    foreach ( $array as $value ) {
        $return[] = do_something_to_element( $value );
    return $return;


There are other options, of course, and many examples can be filled in. I saw comments that array_map is slower than foreach.

Are array_map / array_walk functions generally faster than foreach loops with similar needs?


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2 answers

I believe this answers your question and is current as of 2015-01-22

Foreach performance, array_map with lambda and array_map with static function

array_map, although more elegant, is unfortunately slower in PHP. Especially when used with a closure.



I tested this on a symfony project just now, been on google because it seems so significant. Script went from 160ms using foreach()

up to 260ms using array_map()

. Considering the size of the application, which grows quite a lot from one method call.



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